Go to the URL on your computer or mobile device:

After Hours HVAC & Lighting Instructions from Harsch Training Department on Vimeo.

Enter the password given to you by Schnitzer Properties.  If you do not have a password, you will need to contact the management office during business hours: Monday though Friday, between 8 am and 5 pm, at 925-218-6300.  

The system is rather intuitive and the how-to video can be seen below: 

After Hours HVAC & Lighting Instructions from Schnitzer Properties Training on Vimeo.

It includes instructions on scheduling future dates/times up to a week in advance and also immediate overrides.  The weekly future schedule will clear automatically on Tuesdays at 11 pm.  The immediate override feature will not allow you to turn on the air if the building air is already running.  The building air runs from 6 am to 6 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.

*Please note there will be a charge associated with after-hours HVAC use per your lease agreement.
